Peytie is a theater artist, teacher, and Global Somatics™ Practitioner exploring the intersection of embodiment, performance, energy work, and community

Peyton McCandless (she/they) is an actor, singer, director, teacher, devising and physical theater artist, and Global Somatics™ Practitioner based in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. She has performed with Transatlantic Love Affair, Oregon Children’s Theater, The Winding Sheet Outfit, Speculative Drama, Theatre Pro Rata, and Theatre Unbound (among others) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Portland, Oregon.

She has taught and directed ages 5-18 with Northwest Children’s Theater (Portland) and Ashland Productions (Maplewood, MN) since 2012. Her favorite teaching experience so far was co-creating a one-week acting intensive camp for teenagers and c0-directing it for four years at Ashland Productions.

She completed her two-year practitioner training in Global Somatics™ in Minneapolis in 2014, and has taught embodiment workshops for everyone from teenage actors to church deacons.

Peytie’s non-theatrical passions include grain-free pastry-making, Lord of the Rings, and hanging out with trees.